Magic In Motion ~ With Cara Wright

Being FAST in a SLOW World



Magic in Motion with Cara Wright Radio Show Is impatience your middle name?  When you look around or interact with the people around you does everyone feel as if they are in slow motion? When you ask for something would you like it yesterday?  How many times were you told to slow down and focus as a child or even an adult? To be careful and to check your work? Are you still trying to make that true for you…still buying the lie that the tortoise is better than the hare and that slow and steady wins the race? Ready to drop the brakes and BE the speed of space you truly be? This week Magic in Motion is welcoming Andrew Gardella as a special monthly guest host! Dr. Andrew Gardella is a Chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator.  He enjoys all things fun!  Wanna play?