Magic In Motion ~ With Cara Wright

“Turn on Your Magic Through Travel” Guest Pratima Nagaraj



I am so excited for this show!! My friend and fellow Access Facilitator Pratima Nagaraj is coming to play with us on the show! Pratima has been using travel as a way to create more consciousness and possbility in her life. The invitation she is to exporing and experiencing this planet from a whole different space has been so intriging to me and so much fun! Here is a little quote from her, "What if travel could expand your awareness & consciousness...&invite greater possibilities into your life?Would you like to discover the Joy of Travelling? Would you like to explore travel done differently? What if travel is not just about visiting the places/cities/countries on your list but it can expand your awareness and consciousness and contribute to your life, living, body, relationships, business and more??" What if?? What questions do you have about how to create more travel in your life, how to have more ease, and what else is truly possbile here?? Bring them to the show and lets see what MAGIC we can all BE with