

Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  A Happy Body leads to a Happy You. When your body feels good, your relationship to it is healthy and you are comfortable in your own skin life becomes magical and fun. A vibrant state of health is created from the inside out. Inner confidence and true body love ignite the creative spark of life, increase your healing potential and become the basis for the joy of embodiment. Imagine what you could invite into your life from that space? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on creating a relationship between your body and being that is symbiotic, harmonious and HAPPY! Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some