Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

Tips to Help Your Body Help You Create Money ~ Donnielle Carter



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Have you ever noticed who benefits from the money you make? No, I'm not talking about spouses or children. YOUR BODY! Would you need money to buy clothes or a house or food or anything really if you didn’t have a body. Nope! SO….would you be willing to allow your body to contribute to the creation of money? No, I don’t mean in that way! It’s actually really simple. Join me as I share ways to help your body help you create money! ~ More about Right Body for You ~ Do you have the life and body you desire?  Could it be even more magnificent?  The life and the body you secretly hope for is possible!  What if it wasn’t about struggle or sacrifice?  What if it could be as simple as changing how you see things?  Or acknowledging your potency though it may not be showing up as you think it should? You are the creator of your own life and body.  You are with your life and body constantly….so what do YOU know about it?  Right Body for You is a different kind of radio