Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

A Different Possibility with Grief ~ Guest Wendy Mulder



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Join Donnielle Carter and her guest Wendy Mulder this week for a dynamic conversation with the possibilities of grief. Wendy Mulder is a Registered Nurse (BNSc.), an international speaker, author of two books, "Learning From Grief" and "Dying Happy: The Gift of Choice" and is a Certified Facilitator of "Being You Adventures" and Access Consciousness®. Wendy founded Living With Ease and http://www.kindnesswithgrief.com/ to assist people to embrace living beyond trauma, grief and self-judgement. Wendy’s point of view about grief is, ‘What if we could see grief from a space of allowance, question, and possibility?' If grief was a gift, what choices could it offer you and what changes could those choices bring? www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow