Losing Weight Podcast

LWP 29 - Back in the Saddle



The Peloton CycleListen or (right click to) download HERE.Well, I'm back. Fifty pounds heavier, but ready to shed that weight by next June. Listen to the podcast and find out the first part of my plan, which involves purchasing a pricey but amazing indoor cycle. Next episode will concentrate on what I'll be eating to help achieve this goal. Thanks for sticking with the podcast, and if you're new - stay tuned and thanks for joining us. Seems the legacy episodes were "migrated" off my server. I have backups, so will be putting them in place soon. I'll keep you posted on our Facebook page, so check that often: https://www.facebook.com/LosingWeightPodcastOkay! Time to get this back into gear - literally!Listen or (right click to) download HERE.Subscribe in iTunes HERE.Tom