Hacks & Hobbies

E339 - Gina Molinari - How to communicate, confidently and consistently now that you're an entrepreneur.



In this episode, we get to speak with Gina Molinari, Affectionately known as Gina Mo, She is a Confident Communication Coach and online marketing strategist, TEDx speaking coach, and Keynote Speaker. She helps entrepreneurs communicate clearly, confidently, and consistently in the online space about themselves and their businesses so they can make a massive impact with their work. Her unique background includes 20 years of performance training as a classical singer, 10 years of marketing experience, 7 years of speaking experience, and 4 years of emotional intelligence training gives her the ability to help others get to communicate with confidence through the mastery of their communication skills online and in person. She currently lives in Columbus, Ohio but originally hails from Northern New Jersey.  Our Guest Gina Molinari LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/theginamo Website: ginamolinari.com  (Company Website) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ginamo Hacks to take Away And so I sort of prac