The Saas Revolution Show

How HubSpot Broke a Year-Long Traffic Plateau by Upending the Editorial Strategy



On this bonus episode of the show, we bring you the keynote that Meghan Keaney Anderson, VP Marketing at HubSpot, gave at last year’s SaaStock on Tour in New York. Meghan goes in great detail on the year-long traffic plateau HubSpot’s blog went through in 2017 and how after the initial heart palpitations, the team upended the editorial strategy and are stronger than ever today. A creative writing major, Meghan joined HubSpot in 2011 when the growth graph of the blog looked like any content marketers dream - a hockey stick. That lasted for a few years until in 2017 it hit a plateau. In the first few months, Meghan and the team ascribed it to seasonality but as months went by with no changes they began to worry. As they would find out, many other companies were reporting similar results, and named that year, the great flattening of 2017. The journey to get out of the plateau began. Listen on to hear: Why were all companies seeing the plateau at that time? What was the first thing HubSpot did to accommodate to