The Saas Revolution Show

How to improve your communication through 1-1s with Jessica Weisz, SoapBox



On this week’s episode of the SaaS Revolution Show, we talk with Jessica Weisz, COO of SoapBox, a meeting platform that helps managers and companies have better conversations. Jessica joined SoapBox as employee number 5 and her role was to take care of customers. Five years on, she has transitioned through several roles with her current being COO. As she says it, it’s the role of making sure shit gets done, which complements very well the visionary nature of her CEO. At the start of the year, the company completely revamped its business model moving from enterprise sales to freemium and has seen great take up since. In the heart of what SoapBox does is the notion that better conversations between managers and employees is the most essential thing for the business to succeed. Listen on to learn: What is the essence of the 1-1 conversation How 1-1s differ depending on the cadence How to tactfully address negative feedback at 1-1s On last week’s episode, we introduced a special raffle we are running for listen