The Saas Revolution Show

Finding product-market fit in deep tech with Sofie Quidenus-Wahlforss, omni:us



Sofie Quidenus-Wahlforss, CEO and Co-founder of omni:us, learned very early on she was destined to build companies. She had the knack for it as well as the determination. It's how she built three companies before founding omni:us. But it is her latest that is the one she is determined to really grow and scale. With four co-founders and a new address in Berlin, the Viennese entrepreneur began her journey into AI. As important as it was to train her bots to "read" digital documents, what was even more key was finding the use cases and product-market fit that would allow her to monetize omni:us. It took selling into two industries before finding the one, which would truly benefit from the value proposition of omni:us - making sense of and structuring digital documents. Finding it was a combination of listening to inbound signals and being disciplined to apply the criteria that helps rule out the unfit choices. Listen on to hear: The criteria to find product-market fit A key learning Sofie picked about