In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 89 - 13 Techniques for Activating Prior Knowledge in the Classroom



I just finished reading Brain Rules by John Medina. It was a fascinating look into how the brain works. Medina talked about sensory memory, short-term or working memory, and long-term. If we want our students to remember what we are teaching them, we have to obey the rules the brain puts into place. For long term memory to form, we need to keep strengthening the connections already formed. It is a lot harder to remember something if you do not have experience with the topic. Experts are able to learn new concepts quicker if they are related to their discipline because they can recognize patterns quicker and tie new information to prior knowledge. Novices struggle with new knowledge because they do not have prior knowledge or do not recognize how it connects to previous experiences. This week we are going to take a closer look at activating prior knowledge. Specifically, we will take a look at why this is important and 13 different ways to help connect new information to prior knowledge. Come learn more. Join