Hacks & Hobbies

E152 - Jon Meadows - Highend Headshot Photographer



In this episode we get to talk to Jon Meadows who is currently running a special give-away for Veterans and other professionals looking to get a professional headshot taken at the ValorPub in Washington DC on Monday, November 12th between 8:30am and 3:00pm. So go sign up for your free headshot at http://highendheadshots.com/veterans And then come back and listen to the story of how Jon Meadows became such an amazing Portrait and Headshot photographer as well as an Expression Coach. I've seen his work on many of my connections and it is remarkable! Again you can reach him at HighEndHeadshots.com ------Sponsorship------ This podcast brought to you by our generous sponsors. It is hosted by Anchor and distributed to the many platforms available to you to listen on. If you're interested in sponsoring this podcast please connect on the networks below.  ------Connect Here!------ You can find Hacks & Hobbies on these popular social media networks: Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter  or through