Cloud Insiders

Client side vs Consultant side



In this episode, we focus on the different perspectives of working client and consultant side of an IT project. Joining us for this discussion are experienced IT Consultant, Phil Milroy and Xtravirt Project Manager, Craig Whelan. Our guests talk us through their experiences including, the pressures, benefits and pitfalls of working both client and consultant side of a job. Our guests analyse the main challenges that client businesses are wrestling with in IT, the consultative approach vs in-house approaches, as well as what they would do differently in past roles, knowing what they know now. Craig and Phil also discuss the common mistakes they’ve seen clients making, what should be considered when thinking about implementing a new tech or transformation, as well as trends they  see impacting organisations within the near future. Topics covered: What differentiates the client side vs the consultative side? What IT challenged are organisations currently facing? What should be considered during an IT transforma