Public Speaking With David Murray

Client Question – What should I do if public speaking makes me feel nervous – 074



A client of mine said that they noticed, while they were public speaking. Their voice would start shaking a couple of minutes into their talk. They said this only happened when they were speaking to a large group of people. And was due to them feeling nervous about having to do this. They asked me this question, “What can I do about this?" In today’s episode I answer this client question: “What should I do if public speaking makes me feel nervous?” If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and get in touch, by visiting me here at Connect: Connect with David Murray on Twitter: htt