Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

OTOMS 8.1 - The Daredevil is in the Details, Part One



Five years have passed since an eclectic group of citizens of the sleepy mountain town of Mount Shasta, California failed to seize on an opportunity to save the famed peak and its surroundings. Now, under the tight grip of the leader of the Goblin Market, Flim-Flam, and with the full financial backing of the Harland Dooney Corporation, the once tranquil-slash-terrorizing sounds of nature have turned into the ka-ching of cash registers. Gone are the gentle (if not sometimes gruesome) woodlands with their flora and fauna; all replaced by Batty's Briar Partch, a litany of theme park rides, t-shirt stands, and the tantalizing smell of churros. The town is now a shell of its former self and its denizens have fared no better - only Junie Bee and Aubrey remain. However, there's a newcomer to the town - a daredevil - and his arrival heralds much more than just a cheap publicity stunt to sell park tickets and overpriced hot dogs. A revolution is on the horizon - the fight to take back the mountain is about to beg