In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 101 - How to Use Turnitin as a Teaching and Learning Tool



I am a huge fan of using technology to improve performance but I also understand that technology can also quickly cause damage. It is how you use it. Turnitin is one of those tools that can improve performance but you can do a lot of damage if you use it incorrectly. Turnitin checks paper submissions for originality. In other words, it does text matching to see if the content matches previously reviewed content. It will then generate a similarity report with a score. Consider Turnitin as a check engine light. The check engine light lets you know that there may be an issue but you still have to check it out. Blindly reacting to a similarity score without understanding the underlying cause will result in a break of trust with your students. This episode will take a closer look at Turnitin. Specifically, we will examine strategies that will help you turn it into a teaching and learning tool. Come learn more. Join me on Facebook:  Other podcast episodes: https://tu