Street Writers

Street Writers - Snowflaking



For a special holiday edition of Street Writers, Dan's "Take A Swing At This" fills the stockings with the joy of Randy Ingermanson's "Snowflake Method" of writing ( In "The Beat Us To The Punch", Mark assures you will never look at an Xmas Tree in quite the same way again, as he relates the scientific wonder(ful writing) of the NY Times' "The Social Life of Trees" ( And in "Hit Us With Your Best Shot" Dan is looking to unwrap the gift of freeform writing inspired by artist Jody Fallon (, while Mark looks forward to wrapping up some biz projects and starting up some new podcast performances on Grease, Grit & Crime in COVID Time ( PLUS: Mark offers up some holiday cheers/jeers on Dan's ugly Christmas sweater! . Dig what you hear? Leave a review. Subscribe! And invite new listeners to join in: