Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast

Podcast #50 - Cultivate Your Heart's Intention and Upper Body - All Levels - 45 Min



Mentioned in this Free Anusara Yoga Podcast (good for beginners or advanced yogi's): Call me to share what you are cultivating in your life or if there is a pose you want to work on that I can teach 206.984.0347 - and check out my main website. This episode of Hillary's Yoga Practice is powered by alchemi SPORT by Jeffrey Grubb alchemi SPORT by Jeffrey Grubb - this jacket is a must have!!! 5 Week Anusara Fundamentals Course Come to Mexico in April 2008 for an Anusara Yoga Retreat PLEASE JOIN MY NETWORKS: . Listen to Elsie and me talk about yoga off the mat... Anusara Yoga Class Sequence for All Levels of Yoga Students to Strengthen Upper Body and: Sukasana - Easy Posture Child's Pose All 4's Hands and Knees Down Dog to Down Dog Split Child's Pose to All 4's Lift Opposite Arm and Leg Down Dog Plank to Belly Salambasana Variations On Back for Supine Chattarunga Dandasana Down Dog Plank to Chattarunga Push Ups Belly to Cobra to Down Dog Uttanasna the Clasp Hands Stre