Introspective Insight

ii-061 You Have Say, Just Not FINAL Say



ii-061 You Have Say, Just Not FINAL Say WoS – Abundance – an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply QoS – “Your word is your honor. If you say you’re going to do something, then you need to do it.” Off-Topic – Guest on the show and taking shots for the uglies Talking points: Black Culture is the problem Scott Rhodes on FB produced a video that blamed black culture for the problems within the black community. He went on to talk about our music being the anchor to our problems because rappers are making music about the very things that hold our people down. At the end of the day Scott was blurting out statistics that had nothing to do with the message he was trying to deliver. Of course KingDevDoe had some things to say about the stupidity he was talking. Statistics and selective rap lyrics don’t justify any agenda you are trying to push white boy. Understand that not ever stepping foot into the black community and even relatively trying to explain what’s going on amongst our people