Introspective Insight

ii-058 Tom And Darky



Peace, love, and all that good stuff! WoS – Utopia – any visionary system of political or social perfection QoS – “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” Off-Topic – Why so Emotional? Talking points: Utopian Bubble -There are still people in this world who detach themselves and all around them from reality, living within a personal utopian bubble. Completely eliminating reality. Giving off the perception that their world is perfect. -A bubble is a perfect way to describe their utopian perception because a bubble is very fragile yet transparent. It is not sturdy so it can easily be disturbed, which is why they have to be “careful” and extremely cautious as to whom they choose to let in. -From the inside out their perception on outsiders is very skewed because of the unclear transparency of the bubble. It leads them to believe that imperfection is a trait of only the outsiders. Your Identity -Identity is an endless timeless struggle we face as a people. Not only do we struggle wi