Introspective Insight

ii-057 Prussian Woes and Prison



Peace, Love, and all that good stuff! WoS – Antigodlin – Lopsided or at an angle; out of alignment QoS – “A child cannot be taught by anyone who despises him, and a child cannot afford to be fooled.” Off-Topic – Broke Shannonagains of The Week Talking points: Public Education’s True Intentions from its roots Prussian education model sought to take education out of the hands of family and church with five key goals in mind. 1.) Obedient workers for the mines. 2.) Obedient soldiers for the army. 3.) Well-subordinated civil servants to government. 4.) Well-subordinated clerks to industry. 5.) Citizens who thought alike about major issues. A Model of obedience Pre-K to Prison Pipeline Many of these children have learning disabilities or histories of poverty, abuse, or neglect, and would benefit from additional educational and counseling services. Instead, they are isolated, punished, and pushed out. -Structure of the day -The rules and guidelines of the schools -Disciplinary types and practices (ze