Introspective Insight

ii-054 Lauryn Is A Legend Not A Rapper Nor Depressed



Peace, Love, and all that good stuff! WoS – Cynosure – Something that strongly attracts attention by its brilliance, interest, etc. QoS – “If my strength intimidates you, I hope you realize that’s a weakness of yours.” Off-Topic – Royal Wedding | Lauryn Hill Talking points: Women in America | Why aren’t powerful women more accepted in society? When I speak on powerful women I don’t mean it from an angle of strength or even a independence, I mean it from a decision making standpoint. Men literally eat up all of the decision-making power and women sit in the shadows balancing their day-to-day schedule out. Why is this a thing that we’ve come to solidify in American culture... or even world culture? I understand men have always controlled who did what and set the standards on what qualifies a person to perform a specific job or duty. With that in mind and the world making leaps closer to a more open work force and leadership why do we still look down upon women being in powerful decision making position