Introspective Insight

ii-051 Free Thoughts and Visuals



Peace, Love, and all that good stuff! WoS – Pococurante – A careless or indifferent person QoS – “We shine because they hate us, floss 'cause they degrade us We tryna buy back our 40 acres” Off-Topic – Recap on the vision of the show Talking points: Free Thought What do you think free though is? What do you think kanye is trying change when he mentions free thought? Kanye's idea of free thought is the idea that our people wont let slavery mentally control us anymore. These days people continue to allow slavery control them mentally and lack ability to freely think. This doesn't mean we let people talk crazy but we change the way we process their rhetoric. Kanye's voice reaches to far and wide for us let allow the other side to take him. The Black delegation will not trade or release him! Why do people idolize celebrities to the point of seeing no fault in the regular person? → People tend to engage in celebrity debates while defending their actions as if they know them personally. Completely nega