Introspective Insight

ii-035 Party Favors X FlaMo #HipHopCulturePt2



Peace, Love, and all that good stuff! QoS- “ If hip-hop has the ability to corrupt young minds, it also has the ability to uplift them!” – KRS One WoS- Culture- The culture quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellence in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits etc. Off Topic- Lion King Audience | Oprah Golden Globe Speech #2020 | H&M “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle” Topic #1 – FlowGodFlaMo Tell us about you, your super hero story! Where di your name derives from? How you got into music? What motivates you and/or motivated you in the past? Do you have comp, what’s your ideology behind competition? You have a new mixtape that released today, tell us about the Flamo process of creating a project | How do you like it | How long does it take to create, record, then finalize a project Break -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Break Topic #2 – Rochester Local Talent and Support Rochester is