Introspective Insight

ii-034 The Spectrum



Peace, Love, and all that good stuff! QoS – “Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think.” Ralph Waldo Emerson WoS – Patrician – (1) A person of noble or high rank. (2) A person of very good background, education and refinement. Off Topic – The Positive Black Images Project 2018 | Book of shannonagains | Shaving your kids head as a punishment Religion talks: not being able to handle belief outside your own. Believing in the word that exclusively applies to you and your beliefs denouncing any other word. Segway → We as people tend to take one persons message/teachings and run with it believing that and only that and that is dangerous to the people you represent and service. Topic #1 – The Woes of Intellect Everybody has teachers, mentors, and/or role models in which they learn from. Nobody is original in the messages they choose to relay to others because they have to learn from someone else or even a book. Whether past or present we get our ideas from the u