Introspective Insight

ii-030 Respect The Zones People!!!



Peace, love, and all that good stuff! This weeks edition of the show is geared toward respecting the friend zone, well whatever the friendzone means to you. The friend zone is a interesting place and idea. Most use it as a escape and others as a tool. We dive into this discussion exploring what the friend zone is and why we should respect it at all times. Don't be mad that you're in the friend zone just respect the process! Its levels to this and you dont have the luxury of starting at level one... maybe even negative one depending on how the day but without further adieu, enjoy this week's show! As always thank you for listening and we hope you come back next week with a new set of ears! #StayRoyal Social Media FB: RoyalFlexTheBrand | Devin Malik Anglin | RFTB: Introspective Insight Hot Topics IG: RoyalFlexTheBrand | KingDevDoe Twitter: RFTB_Official | iiTalkShow | KingDevDoe --- Send in a voice message: