Introspective Insight

ii-001 Welcome To Introspective Insight



Welcome to RoyalFlex The Brands own Introspective Insight is Hosted by intricate minds who look to connect with the masses across the world. We are deeply rooted in pan-african ideals and have the constant itch to challenge the status quo. Here we will discuss and sometimes debate a wide array of topics ranging from pan-africanism to relationships and beyond. This episode outlines what we are trying to do here at Introspective Insight and is just a fun all-around welcome. Hope you stick around for the whole show and come back for next week's show ii-002 The Nguzo Saba! P.s. We have a active YouCaring account in which our listeners and supporters help us work toward obtaining real studio space. We are currently recording out of my basement but hope that we can soon find a new home for our studio where we have full creative control and not limited in space and sound quality. With your help we can do just that. We can record better quality shows and gain the flexibility to bring high profile guest into our stu