Note Night In America

NNA 45 – Second Half Success Plan



2019 has passed its halfway mark and things may still be starting to get better for you or not. Scott Carson breaks down several things that you can do to get back on track in the second half of 2019 and how to turn that momentum into greater success in 2020. Setting or resetting your goals is a key factor to your success. You do not need to do 100% of your goals quickly because focusing on 20% can speak volumes. Sharing these goals to those who matter can give you confidence in finishing this year strong. Realizing that the hardest things to achieve are often those that will be the most productive, focus on those that matter no matter how hard they are. Follow Scott’s success plan and you’ll be on your way to closing your year right. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Note Night in America community today:WeCloseNotes.comScott Carson FacebookScott Carson TwitterScott Carson LinkedInNote Night in America YouTubeNote Night in America VimeoScott Carson InstagramWe Close Not