Note Night In America

NNA 43 – Deals And Due Diligence with Joel Markovitz



When it comes to deals and due diligence, thinking about the paperwork and documentation can be quite daunting because every deal can be different. Joel Markovitz talks about the collateral aspect of due diligence and stresses the importance of knowing what you need and what you do not need in documenting files. He shares his routine or process for handling notes, including looking at liens and judgments and what it means to him. He also talks about summarization of payments and answers questions from the audience about how to handle documents, the vital things to look for in the title insurance policy, and more. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Note Night in America community today:WeCloseNotes.comScott Carson FacebookScott Carson TwitterScott Carson LinkedInNote Night in America YouTubeNote Night in America VimeoScott Carson InstagramWe Close Notes Pinterest