Note Night In America

NNA 26 – 2021: A Note Odyssey



The future may be unpredictable, but the good thing is we can always prepare for it. Scott discusses what he believes the future will hold for the note business, his business, and what’s in store for you. Scott ponders on the question, “Where is the note business going to be in three years?” and gives a view on the possibilities of what may happen – from licensing and foreclosing, to market values. He talks about where some great places to invest are. He caps it off by talking about where his business is going to be, and how it could continue to help many note investors out there. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Note Night in America community today:WeCloseNotes.comScott Carson FacebookScott Carson TwitterScott Carson LinkedInNote Night in America YouTubeNote Night in America VimeoScott Carson InstagramWe Close Notes Pinterest