Note Night In America

NNA 17 – Choosing Markets



Choosing markets is one of the scariest things that people do. Let’s face it, if you’ve been in the note business for longer than six months, you find that not every market is created equal and not every market has the same foreclosure time frame. Most don’t even have the same inventory levels. Choosing a market investment is like buying a monopoly. You’re not going to be buying Park Place or the railroad stuff, but you’ve got to keep some things in mind when you’re playing the game, one of which is asset class availability. What’s available out there? Scott gives the lowdown on what you need to make sure of when you’re choosing and buying in a market. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join Note Night in America community today: Scott Carson Facebook Scott Carson Twitter Scott Carson LinkedIn Note Night in America YouTube Note Night in America Vimeo Scott Carson Instagram We Close Notes Pinterest