Note Night In America

NNA 15 – Finding Focus In Your Note Business



We’re all, at different stages of our lives, struggle on a regular basis with things. One of the biggest things we’re always struggling with is finding focus. It’s a constant work in progress because we’re always dealing with the shiny object syndrome. We’re all struggling with a variety of different things to get things done. You’re not supposed to have a perfect balance wheel with everything. What you have to do is find some sort of semi-flat part of that circle or something that works well to help you get some sort of balance with things. Most people are struggling with focus because they’re trying to do way too much than what they need to be doing. They need to keep the whole idea of KISS, keep it simple, silly. Find out why you need to find focus in your life and your real estate business so you can get things done and be more productive. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Note Night in America community today:WeCloseNotes.comScott Carson FacebookScott Carson TwitterS