Note Night In America

NNA 11 – Building Your Note Business Plan



We’re all real estate investors of some sort, whether you’ve done a thousand deals or are looking to get started. Note investors are a big percentage of who we deal with, and building your note business plan is one of the most important things you can do. We all start somewhere and a lot of people don’t have any type of business background, and that’s why it’s even more important to have a business plan. So many real estate investors and entrepreneurs struggle for failing to plan and putting some guide in place. If you could just spend time on a good business plan, it’ll give you more guns than anybody else. Discover everything you need to know about business plans as Scott dives into the different types and breaks down what needs to go into your note business plan. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Note Night in America community today:WeCloseNotes.comScott Carson FacebookScott Carson TwitterScott Carson LinkedInNote Night in America YouTubeNote Night in America VimeoSco