Enoch Pratt Free Library Podcast

Poetry & Conversation: Ned Balbo, G.H. Mosson, & Nomi Stone



Ned Balbo is the author of The Trials of Edgar Poe and Other Poems, awarded the Poets’ Prize and the Donald Justice Prize. His fifth book, 3 Nights of the Perseids, was selected by Erica Dawson for the Richard Wilbur Award. A co-winner of the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize, he is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts translation fellowship. Balbo was recently a visiting faculty member in Iowa State University’s MFA program in creative writing and environment. He lives in Baltimore with his wife, poet-essayist Jane Satterfield. Learn more at https://nedbalbo.com.G.H. Mosson is the author of Family Snapshot as a Poem in Time (Finishing Line Press, 2019), as well as three prior books of poetry, Heart X-rays (PM Press, 2018, with Marcus Colasurdo), Questions of Fire (Plain  View, 2009), and Season of Flowers and Dust (Goose River, 2007). His poetry and literary criticism have appeared in Measure, Tampa Review, The Cincinnati Review, Smartish Pace, and Loch Raven Review, among other journals, and