Joshua T. Berglan's Gratitude:unfiltered

“Committed to Character”



Word of God Church presents Gratitude:UnFiltered “Committed to Character” Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 rooted and built up in Him…. We each received Christ when we were born again. But there is a big difference between receiving Jesus and walking in Him. It is the difference between just meeting someone and developing a relationship with that person. A C1 vision is all about building a relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything else in your spiritual life hinges upon this. This verse says that we are to be rooted in Him. The picture is that of roots getting deep down into the ground where they become so intertwined with the ground that the tree cannot be uprooted. Some trees, like some believers, have very shallow roots. But this is not what the Lord wants. He wants our roots to go deep. He wants our relationship with Him to be close and strong. He wants our spirits to be intertwined with His Spirit. Are you committed to having Godl