Joshua T. Berglan's Gratitude:unfiltered

“Discover Your Purpose”



Gratitude:UnFiltered “Discover Your Purpose” 10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PURPOSE 1. God is the source of your purpose. 2. Purpose is constant 3. Purpose is predetermined. 4. Your purpose is an integral part of you. 5. Your purpose is a solution to a problem. 6. Your purpose is to a person or to a people 7. Your purpose determines your destiny. 8. Your purpose is your assignment. 9. Your purpose is interrelated. PURPOSE AND VISION Proverbs 29: 18 : “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he”. (KJV) You cannot talk about purpose without talking about vision, because, purpose gives birth to vision. God has a purpose for your life, and when it is revealed to you it becomes vision. Gratitude:UnFiltered with host Joshua T Berglan is a gracefully edgy and inspiringly vulnerable talk show that will polarize an audience’s traditional mindsets. Joshua’s primary message focuses on Kingdom Principle’s, the supernatural power of truth, the challenge