Joshua T. Berglan's Gratitude:unfiltered

“You Are Never Alone”



Never Alone One of the greatest lies ever told by our darkness is we are alone. How many of us feel alone now or ever? We convince ourselves that no one else could ever go through what we are facing. We believe that no one could possibly understand our pain or sorrow. Our darkest moments are rarely when we have lost a battle but instead come from the betrayal with a kiss. A Warrior must guard their heart because this is where darkness will come and steal your light. This battle can only be fought with prayer, to respond with LOVE to betrayal with forgiveness, to despair with hope, to darkness with light. When you need to run, don’t run from God. Do not run from the people you need in your life, Run to them! Life was never meant to be lived alone, the greatest battle require an army, a tribe! No victory was ever won without others, so why would you want to ever face defeat alone?