Anita Pathik Law

Awakening Your Courageous Heart



Is fear empowering you or holding you back from fulfilling your dreams and desires? Is fear inspiring more faith, trust, and courage or is it keeping you up at night with worry and doubt? Do you see fear as something to befriend or something to get rid of? The problem is that even with a rock-solid plan and a blueprint for success, if people don’t know their value, are dragging around the past, and are using band aid approaches to try to change their patterns, the real shifts they dream about won’t happen. Join me as I host a special Conscious Dialogue with Rev. Dr. Lorraine Cohen.In this 90 minute Conscious Dialogue, you'll learn:1. How to distinguish intuition and fear 2. The single most important factor in unhooking from fear and awakening your courageous heart3. The impact your stories have on creating your fearfull reality and how to take your power back 4. The shifts we must make to align with our destiny5. One profoundly powerfull tool that will empower your faith, trust, and courage to navigate any of