Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Earth Day: Betsy Rosenberg Shares Dirt About Going Green



Earth Day and Earth Week are day devoted to our wonderful planet. But that's simply not enough, declares green commentator Betsy Rosenberg, host of The Green Front. Get the inside dirt on the movement that falls short big time, according to Betsy Rosenberg, who formerly anchored EcoTalk – once called TrashTalk – on KCBS Radio in San Francisco in 1997. Besy, who has produced and hosted more than 1,200 one-minute segments covering green lifestyles with a consumer focus and a “news-you-can-use” approach, will give you tips galore on how to life a green lifestyle that projects our planet. You'll also have a chance to learn about her pet projects, Green-To-Go, which will be syndicated on mainstream channels nationwide, and Don’t Be Fueled! – Mothers For Clean and Safe Vehicles. Rosenberg is a graduate of The Climate Project, Al Gore‘s training program created to better educate the public about global warming, and she has been a regular guest on local and national television programs, including CNN Headline News an