Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Jane Velez-Mitchell: We Are an "Addict Nation"



Jane Velez-Mitchell, the award-winning TV journalist, host of HLN's Issues and bestselling author (I Want) -- claims that Americans are being lured into addiction. People are hooked on prescription medications, fast food, sugary foods, the Internet, gambling, TV, over-spending, and even compulsive social networking. We are being seduced into self-destructive behavior on a massive scale. And, she claims, it's time to take our power back. She asks: "Do you really want to be a slave, existing just to make someone else rich and powerful?" You must listen to this fascinating show, in which Jane Velez-Mitchell will tell you how to become free of addictions and to quit being what she calls "consumer slaves, cogs in a culture of overconsumption."