More Than Movies

S04E03: 2019 Q4 Box Office Draft & Series Roundup



Box Office Draft - 00:52 Jay & Ivana make their selections for movies which premiere Q4 2019. This episode was recorded prior to Q4 2019. What’s new with us!  - 09:12 Jay is getting married this month and it’s sooo much work. Series Survival - 11:10 Since we won’t be able to do series survival predictions this year, we thought we’d weigh in on some new shows that premiered this TV season Outro - 17:43 We really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to listen to our first podcast, and we really want to hear from you, good or bad!; facebook/morethanmoviespodcast; Thank You! The talented voice, SFX and music artists have made our show possible and we owe them a HUUUUGE thank you. Darren Osborne, Announcer & Voice Artist Leslie Seiler, Comedian & Actor -  @Leslie_Seiler Paul “PK” Kingston, Comedian & Actor - Facebook/PaulPKKingston; @PaulPKKingston Becky Frame, Voice Talent Chris Shapcotte, Voice Actor & Photographer - @shapshots L