Red On Red

Red on Red - Episode Twenty-Two - The Leeside Tapes Vol 1



This week on the podcast, something a little bit different. The first in an occasional series of mixes we’re calling The Leeside Tapes, where we take a longform listen to some of the best new music that Cork has had to offer in the first half of 2018, from ambient electronic and hip-hop, to psychedelic pop and post-metal. 01. Spekulativ Fiktion - Rattlesnakes (ft. Jonen Dekay) (@craicmob) 02. Happyalone - Bodybags (@happyandfriends) 03. Automatic Blue - Akira (@drewlinehan) 04. Jar Jar Jr. - Manhattan Warmonger (ft. DOOM) (@jarjarjiggetyjr) 05. MueseuM - The Caves of Nick 06. Elaine Malone - No Blood (@elai_malone) 07. Ghostking is Dead - Fool (@deadroyalboi) 08. The Shaker Hymn - Colour of the Holy Sun (@theshakerhymn) 09. O Emperor - Make it Rain (@oemperormusic) 10. The Altered Hours - Over the Void (@thealteredhours) 11. Chameleon Fields - Psychedelic Death Shroud 12. Partholon - All We Are (@partholonian) 13. The Sunshine Factory - Negative Light (Live) (@thesunshinefac) 14. Gadget and the Cloud - This