Code Delicious With Dr. Mike

Encore Episode: Seafood: The All-Brainer



Learn how to incorporate more seafood into your diet for better brain health.According to dietary guidelines and USDA, 80-90 percent of Americans are not eating the recommended amount of seafood each week. You should get two to three servings (8-12 ounces) of seafood each week, but most of us only consume one serving of seafood weekly. Children and pregnant mothers consume even less, about 25 percent of what they should be eating.The umbrella term of seafood includes fin fish and shellfish. It’s best to eat a variety, just like you would with fruits and vegetables. You’ll get the greatest health benefits by mixing it up. Seafood is packed with Omega-3s, which are essential for optimal brain development and overall health. These omega-3s also reduce risk of depression.You can start to increase your seafood consumption by first getting plenty of the fish you enjoy. Next, branch out and try some fatty fish and canned fish. Frozen seafood is nutritionally sound and more affordable than fresh. Watch for sales at t