Code Delicious With Dr. Mike

Feed Your Brain: Best Foods for Brain Health



Learn the best foods for optimal brain health.Your brain is best fueled with good nutrition. The MIND (Mediterranean Intervention Neurodegenerative Delay) diet is great for your brain. This diet can reduce your risk of Alzheimers by 50 percent. The MIND diet eliminates meat, saturated fats, sugar, processed foods and alcohol. This eliminates the cheese that the Mediterranean diet contains. Whole grains, olive oil, nuts and green leafy vegetables are still part of the MIND diet.  Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides. These break down into ketones which are an ideal brain food. The brains of those with Alzheimers are typically low in ketones. If you can’t think properly when eating a plant-based diet, stick with grass-fed, organic meats.  Eat seasonal foods that are available at your local farmer’s market.Here are the seven brain-boosting food groups: Cruciferous Vegetables. Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale and cauliflower contain nutrients that help protect against free radicals.