The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Building Bridges, Building People with Dave Causer – Episode 346 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



In a world of many countries, cultures and divisions, Dave Causer believes that building bridges means building people. As President of the foreign exchange program, Global Educational Concepts, Dave has helped to impact the lives of thousands of students across the world. Join us for this wide ranging conversation with Dave Causer about business, leadership, principles and the global impact they can create.  “There are no negative thoughts in this room - only problem solving.” - Dave Causer “Great organizations and companies are built not necessarily on people, but on principles.” - Dave Causer “1 out of every 3 world leaders have been to exchange programs in the United States.” - Dave Causer “We build people - and our people build the business.” - Dave Causer More About Dave Causer Dave Causer is the president of Global Educational Concepts, a Southwestern Company. A graduate of Houghton College with a BA in Business Administration in 1974, he started working in the Southwestern Advantage