The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Leading Through Adversity With Mike Scholes – Episode 341 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



U.S. Army Brigadier General (ret.) Mike Scholes on leading through adversity and the importance of principles. Join our host Dan Moore and Southwestern Family of Companies COO, Mike Scholes as they talk about the challenges of leading large organizations through a wide range of adversity including the COVID-19 global pandemic. “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records” - William Arthur Ward “There is no education like adversity” - Benjamin Disraeli “It takes a certain breed of soldier to want to jump out of an airplane” - Mike Scholes “It’s not everyday that someone coming fresh out of college has the lives of 45 soldiers in their hands” - Mike Scholes “The solution for leaders is to train your people, take care of them, and they’ll be there for you” - Mike Scholes “It’s about unity of purpose more than unity of command” - Mike Scholes More About Mike Scholes Mike Scholes is a retired U.S. Army Brigadier General and the current COO of The Southwestern Family of Compa