The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Coping with a Pandemic with Dr. Terry Lyles: *REPLAY* Episode 327 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



Today's context is rife with stress about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic along with social and political unrest. We at The Action Catalyst believe this conversation with Stress Expert, Author, and Speaker Dr. Terry Lyles is important and worth listening to again. Please enjoy this special Replay of Episode 327, Coping with a pandemic with Dr. Terry Lyles “It's learning how to feel the fear and doing it anyway. All of us have fear.” —Dr. Terry Lyles “We first have to control the mind game. Know that you're okay and do everything you can to protect yourself, but still do what you need to do.” —Dr. Terry Lyles “The best gift you can give yourself every day is to be present.” —Dr. Terry Lyles “You have to monitor how much news you're watching. That will increase your anxiety and add pressure. That actually weakens our immune system which makes us more susceptible.” —Dr. Terry Lyles “Take deep breaths to neutralize the cortisol effect.”  —Dr. Terry Lyles “Change your mindset and focus on what you