The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

The Way Out of Anxiety is Through with Brad Lemley: Episode 329 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



Brad Lemley is a science journalist who has written for the Washington Post, Discover magazine, and dozens of other national publications. He has written or co-written 10 books, mostly on achieving physical and emotional health. He is a passionate advocate for self-directed, nature-based health care, and believes strongly that robust health is within reach of anyone who possesses the right information. Show Highlights: No part of being human is to be despised, feared, or pushed away. You have to grab on to the totality of human life and say this part I'll keep, this part I'll discard. —Brad Lemley Most of the good things in the world have happened because people let their emotions propel them. —Brad LemleyBeing open and available through your emotional life is one of the most important things a human can do. —Brad LemleyWe are aggregations of people and you need to respect all the sub-personalities that you are. —Brad LemleyIt's the formidable people in the world who make things happen. —Brad LemleyI th