The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

How to Shape Culture as a Leader with Ray Queener: Episode 129 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



This week's podcast is highlighting a life story from one of our Southwestern Consulting™ coaching clients. Dr. Ray Queener is the Superintendent of Cambridge Isanti School District  (5,000 students) in Cambridge, MN. He is dedicated to creating a better culture in his school district and becoming a stronger leader. Putting action behind that goal, he partnered with one of our accountability coaches to guide him through his goals. Dr. Queener's accountability and leadership coach is Kristen Hartnagel. Kristen specializes in leadership, vision, team engagement and motivation. Her passion is changing lives and creating strong sales cultures. She is an expert at training, coaching and personal development. Tune in to this week's unique show to get a glimpse of a real life story about accountability and the benefits of partnering with a coach to accomplish your goals in life. Show Highlights: How are you able to make significant changes to affect the way your team learns? @Queener1Be creative and