Live Rich

The Best Time To Start Building Wealth Is Yesterday



Summary: Procrastination is the thief of time. How many of us put off starting the business we’ve been dreaming of until tomorrow, next week or next year? We tell ourselves that one day doesn’t really make a difference. The problem is that tomorrow seems to never quite arrive – and we overlook the enormous value of a single day. Life is short and the journey goes fast. Just as each day is crucial in helping our money grow and compound in interest, you don’t have a day to spare when it comes to building wealth. Each day you waste can mean the difference between achieving something extraordinary and settling for far less than your best. Treat each day as a finite and precious resource, and you’ll harness the power of urgency needed to begin building your empire today – not tomorrow. Listen to learn more about the power of a single day in reaching your goals. View the full blog post and video here: